Spinalogic Drawing is the complete Chiropractic imaging system for x-rays and posture photos.
If you do x-ray analysis or take posture photos of your patients, you’re going to love Spinalogic Drawing. Quickly import your images to Spinalogic then just click on a series of anatomical landmarks on your image. Spinalogic then draws in the lines and calculates a set of detailed measurements that are displayed alongside the normal values for your reference.
Here is an example of a Lateral Cervical Analysis (click for larger image):

At first glance this may appear to be a reasonably good lat cervical but the Spinalogic line drawing and analysis very clearly show the subluxation of C3 on C4 – +3 degrees of rotation when it should be -8.2 and 2 mm of posterior translation!
To make it easy to see at a glance where the primary problems are, Spinalogic colour codes the results – red is >4 standard deviations away from normal, purple between 3 and 4 sd’s, blue between 2 and 3 sd’s, green between 1 and 2 sd’s and no colour means in the normal range. You can instantly see the patient’s primary problem is C3 rotation on C4 (red), followed by C2 rotation on C3 and overall cervical absolute rotation angle (purple).
With one click you can show your patient their x-ray right next to an optimal image so they can easily see for themselves where their problem is. You can even display the x-ray next to a dissection image of a similar spine for stronger impact and to illustrate the effect of the subluxation on the spinal cord.
Spinalogic stores new images grouped together with previous images of the same type you can immediately get a timeline of changes. 2, 3, 4 or more images in a line so you can see changes over time.
You can view your images how you like – whole spine AP, whole spine Lat, AP and Lat together, before and after, timelines and many more. Whatever works for you clinically or for your patient’s understanding.
X-ray analysis image types include:
- Lateral Cervical
- Lateral Thoracic
- Lateral Lumbar
- Lateral Full Spine
- AP Cervico-Thoracic
- AP Lumbo-Pelvic
- Ferguson for leg-length inequality calculation
- AP Full Spine
Posture analysis image types include
- AP Posture
- AP Posture with Orthotics
- Lateral Posture
- Lateral Posture with Orthotics
You can also add any image type you like – including images from any third-party system such as EMG or Thermal Scans.
If you want to draw a schematic of the patient, you can easily add one and annotate it however you like such as this:

And of course you can zoom in or out, pan, adjust contrast and brightness to reveal the areas you need to focus on.
You choose which images you want to see on a regular visit and with a single click you can see all images, zoom in and back out instantly. It’s very fast, it’s very easy. No more laborious finding x-rays and putting them on the view box ever again. The quality of your patient care will improve when you can see any x-ray with just one or two clicks.
Spinalogic Image Analysis is FAST
To do this kind of detailed analysis of an x-ray by hand is a time-consuming process often taking 5-20 minutes to complete depending on how much detail you want to get and how fast you are. It’s quite technical and few CAs can do a good job for you. In fact, some DCs find good line drawing hard – it’s just not their skill.
But with Spinalogic, analysis is really fast, accurate and easy. Analysis of an image takes about 30 seconds but the detail you get is far greater than most doctors would ever take the time to get manually. You will even get intersegmental rotations and displacements that are just too hard to measure by hand.
Spinalogic even takes care of the complexities of calculating the Angle of Pelvic Incidence and leg-length inequality.
Better yet, you can train your CA to do it for you. We even give you a video to teach them so you don’t have to yourself. You will check each image when you read it and can easily correct any errors your CA makes on the fly but with a little feedback it won’t be long before such errors are rare.
All this frees you from the repetitive technicalities of line drawing and analysis so you can focus purely on the clinical intepretation of the results.
High-quality x-ray analysis has just gone from being a chore to being a breeze.
DICOM is the standard for digital x-ray storage and transfer. If your x-rays are stored in DICOM format, you have valid film that can be used in any court and can be legally read by any radiologist. If you just have pictures of x-rays taken with a camera or a non-certified scanner, they are not legal films.
Spinalogic receives DICOM images directly from your CR or DR digital x-ray system – you just set your x-ray system to automatically send every image you take. With Spinalogic you don’t need any additional PACS system. (Note that many CR/DR systems have a maximum capacity of films they store. When they reach their limit they just delete the old ones to make way for the new ones. A common limit is 500 images. So you can’t depend on your CR/DR to store your images!)
If you have x-rays taken off site, most practices will supply x-rays on CD instead of on film (in fact they prefer too!). You can just put this CD into your CD drive at the front desk, scan the images off the disk and into Spinalogic then give the disk back to your patient. It’s fast and its easy.
If you have non-DICOM images you can import those too but for x-ray, DICOM is highly preferred. Of course, posture photos you take with a normal camera are not DICOM but this is fine.
X-Ray Reports
If you do written reporting on your x-rays (or any other clinical imaging), you’ll love Spinalogic ACES. Using fully-customizable dictionaries, you will breeze through your x-ray reporting with easy point-and-click document creation.
Your Next Step
So, are you ready to upgrade your image analysis, care for your patients better and save hours of time every week? Contact us or book a demo online now.
Just want drawing?
We do have an option to use Spinalogic just for image analysis at a discounted rate. Contact us for pricing and to arrange install.